Tag: gtd

Tracking Pomodoros In Emacs With Org-Mode

I’ve been using the Pomodoro Technique for over a year now. The Pomodoro Technique is a way to divide your day into a several sets of time and (try) to focus on one task at a time without distractions. It has worked great for me with a graph paper notebook. This morning though, I was …

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Simple Recurring Todo Items In Ruby

I use my simple Emacs Todo mode to keep track of my todo items but one thing that I’ve been missing has been recurring tasks. A calendar with recurring events works okay but I still have to remember to copy them into my todo list or I forget about them. So tonight I whipped up …

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Digging Myself Out of the Hole Called RSS

I’ve always been a heavy reader, online and offline but this weekend I finally noticed the hole I dug myself into. I was taking in more information that I could get through and I was falling behind. I resolved then to start taking action to dig myself back out by following 3 simple steps: 1. …

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Emacs Planner.el and GTD

I have just setup my emacs to use planner.el as my organization. After playing around with it for two days, I have my ‘one text file’ of next actions moved over to it. I really like the way it works, where your ‘projects’ are automatically updated based off a change you make in a context …

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