Interesting Links #6

Alan Weiss says if by improving only 1% every day, in 70 days you are twice as good. Who can’t do 1% each day? With the idea of small improvements, these links are all ways you can improve your business that little bit every day:

Have your own tip to share? Leave a comment and let me know, I’m always looking for my 1% improvements.


  1. Peter Abbott says:

    Another interesting guy who makes good business sense, is my mentor and friend, Ric Willmot from Australia.
    He has a website full of free useful articles, and a page specifically for the genre of people who read this blog. Which I really like by the way!
    Ric also has a blog that is worth subscribing to as well: that has good useful information for those of us trying to make it good in business.
    By the way, I am biased about my mentor Ric, but I am certain you will see I am not exaggerating the worth of these two resources.
    All the best, and good luck everyone.
    Peter Abbott CPA

  2. edavis10 says:

    Peter: I’ll check Ric Willmot out. His articles look really good, some might be included on the next set of Interesting Links.

    Alan: Wow, never thought I would see you here. I want you and everyone else to know that your books have been a big driver of my success. Welcome.

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