Category: Articles

Your specific ideal client

When I started Little Stream Software, there were two books I borrowed that really made my freelancing business take off (and I said borrowed because I was in a budget freeze until I started making some income.) One of those books was very tactical, while the other was strategic. I’m going to talk about the …

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What are you willing to give up?

In order to make your freelance business work, you’ll need to put in time, money, and energy. Starting a business today may be easier than ever, but it still takes resources to make it viable. Freelance businesses are no different, but at least they aren’t as resource-intensive as some of the more classical types. But …

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What is your end game?

Before you can start finding clients you need to take stock of where you are and where you’re heading. They say that the journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step. Well, yes. But you have to know where you’re going first. (And who are “they” exactly…) Now it’s time to think about …

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