Tag: rails

2009 Goals

Everyone’s talking about their 2009 goals now, I guess the New Year tends to do that to people. Not to feel left out, I’m posting my 2009 goals. As a freelancer and a software developer, a lot of them are about building new software applications and learning technology. One thing I learned in 2008, was …

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RailsConf 2008

RailsConf 2008 officially starts tomorrow and I’m all ready to go. If you want to look for me, look for the Rails developer who doesn’t have a Mac (I have an older Dell). Thursday Schedule 7:30am – 8:00am Continental Breakfast 8:30am – 12:00pm Refactoring Your Rails Application 1:30pm – 5:00pm Refactotum: Contributing to Open Source …

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Interesting Links #4

I’ve been scrambling this past week trying to close out a few projects before I start on some new ones. Here are a few links that came across my wanderings: Generating the code for an older version of Rails – A customer asked me how to generate a stock Rails application from an older release. …

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