Back on Typo

Well I am back on Typo after going to WordPress for a bit. The reason I left was because after about 12 hours of being up my website would stop responding. Lighttpd was the only thing that logged it but it was a weird log message

2005-09-20 11:59:12: (server.c.937)  connection closed - write-request-timeout: 9

And it seemed to do this on a static image (typically the header image). So I went from Typo/Rails/FastCGI/Lighttpd to WordPress/PHP/FastCGI/Lighttpd. But then I found that it happened in WP too (the header image file again).

I tried almost every config I could for the website and decided that my lighttpd or FastCGI was wrong. So I updated to the latest lighttpd source and gave WP/PHP another go.

Still broken, so I started to tear up my server trying to find the solution. Then I remembered that when I was mirroring large files, the download would just timeout. The only thing that would fix it was removing the bandwidth throttle.

server.kbytes-per-second = 50

After dumping that one line of code, I restarted my server and crossed my fingers. Well WordPress stayed up over 26 hours, even with ab hitting it hard. So next I setup Typo on a subdomain and hit it hard and long. Typo had over 100,000 pages in it’s cache after a few hours, but it stayed up and pretty responsive even with development mode and over 25 concurrent connections.

Now it is about 24 hours latter and Typo and WordPress were ok. So I now am running Typo again, my favorite { CMS | blog } ever.

Now to see what goodies TRUNK has for me.

Eric, back with AJAX