Write Your Technical Ebook, the Right Way – Authoring Ebooks

Have you ever wanted to write a technical book but didn’t know where to start?

Then you might be interested in a product I acquired from Jeremy McAnally, Authoring Ebooks.

Authoring Ebooks was written by Jeremy McAnally, who has written three technical books on Ruby including “Ruby in Practice” (published by Manning). His most recent ebook, “Rails Upgrade Handbook”, has sold thousands of copies and made him over $40,000 in its first year. Let’s just say, Jeremy knows what he is talking about when it comes to writing books.

Last December he took all of his knowledge and experience writing and created Authoring Ebooks.

Authoring Ebooks will take you from your ebook concept, to content creation, and finally through the sales process. It’s for people who want to create and sell technical ebooks.

I bought the rights to the book from Jeremy in July because I saw how valuable it is as a guide to new authors.

If you’ve been wanting to create your own ebook, check out Authoring Ebooks.