Ideal Clients

A bit of truth for you: Working with great clients is 100x better than bad clients.

But how do you actually find these great clients?

By focusing on your ideal clients.

An ideal client is a person who is a perfect fit for you and your services. It’s a standard you can measure potential clients against.

But there are two things you must do before you can work with your ideal clients.

First, you need to describe who they are, and what they do. Only once you’ve clearly defined them, then you can start looking for great clients.

(And actually be confident that you’ve found one)

Second, you need to regularly review your ideal client definition. You can make plans and guess all you want, but until you get feedback on your definition you won’t know for sure if you’re right. Regular review helps you process that feedback and adapt to it.

Do this and create a process around it, and your client quality will improve. You’ll work on better projects, with better people, and be happier with your work.

Eric Davis

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